It may be the off-season for some but the Association keeps on going.
In recent weeks Ian Heath our Operations Director and I have met with MBRC to finalise plans for the redevelopment of our courts next year. The immediate news is construction will start in April and we will not be playing at St. Columbans as fore-shadowed at previous meetings. It would be too expensive and the loss of revenue to the canteen, our major income source, would potentially create a high risk for the Association. Final plans and costings go to a Council meeting on 18 January.
Bottom line we will have a minimum of 9 and up to 11 courts available to us for the day season, including 6 additional grass courts in the adjoining velodrome.
The bigger issue will be training space for rep teams and clubs during the construction. I plan to hold the first meeting of a 2013 Competition working group in the near future to start the conversation and planning on how we run our competition next year.
For those of you interested, Caboolture had a team in the inaugural Netball Qld Men's Challenge Cup. Unfortunately, after being in the top two all season and finishing on top after the rounds, we lost the grand-final to SEMMNA 51 - 39 despite beating them in both rounds.
At the AGM, affiliated delegates voted by special resolution to adopt a new modernised constitution, subject to additional consultation with clubs. That consultation took place on the 10th October with some additional changes being made following that process. A final version has been approved by clubs and will be forwarded to the Office of Fair Trading for approval.
Under the new constitution a smaller committee structure will exist with 5 of the proposed 7 positions filled at the AGM. Position descriptions for all positions are currently being reviewed with the remaining two positions to be advertised in the future. As an interim, Keren Frohloff is acting in the position of Development Director so we could effectively run the current club development program.
On the 25th November the Suncoast Region are running an Active After School Communities Program for potential coaches at the Caboolture Association Courts. This is a series of planned coach training with the outcome being you are accredited to coach within the AASC program - similar to the OzKick program I guess. This could provide clubs with direct access to new members so I think it is a great opportunity. Information has been provided to all clubs so if you're an interested coach or just a parent, contact your club secretary for a nomination form.
That's it for now, but as always email me if you have particular things you want to know about from behind the scenes at CNA.